Tuesday, June 13, 2017

Help Chumpaguda People Drink Water

Champaguda Drinking Water Project
Konda Dora people long for water
Champaguda village, tucked away on the Arakku Valley in the Eastern Ghat, has 200 households with nearly 700 people trying to make a living with the nature, with too little amenities. Most of the facilities of a modern world have not yet reached these villages that are about 3000 ft above the mean sea level. People who come to Arakku valley, a famous tourist hilltop location in Andhra Pradesh for its scenic beauty, never see the native people who live on these hills. 
Arakku is 120 km away by railway and 150 km away by road from Vizag or Visakhapatnam. Both these routes are unique, different and photogenic. Champaguda is ten kilometers away from Arakku and to reach there, there are no buses. There is an anganwadi with about 25 children and a transit primary school with 1-3 standards housing about 40 children. Anyone who likes to study beyond that has to walk 10 kilometers. The nearest village is Nandiguda, two kilometers away. The native people here are predominantly Konda Dora and the others are Valmeeki and Kotia tribes.  There is an estimated population of 2 lakh Konda Doras in Andhra Pradesh and Orissa.
People work in their own farms and cultivate mainly paddy along with other vegetables and cereals. Literacy is 4% for the general people above 30 years and for people below 30 years, literacy is more than 50%. People are animists and worship spirits.

Water for Living and Living Water

For drinking and for agriculture, the Konda people here depend on natural water source- There is a small spring that the villages have been depending up on which is 1.5 km away. With the severe drought situation, the spring has literally died out, leaving the people’s plight severe during this summer.

How to get some water for their survival

There are four spring-points about 1.5 km away from the village.  We need to dig holes here and make concrete tanks to capture and store water which can be taken to the village through pipes by gravity. We have planned for making and 3 or 4 tanks of 3x6 feet base and 5 feet height with a cost of about Rs.2,00,000 (Details are available how we arrived at this basic cost).

f you are partner with this, we can complete this at the earliest to sustain the people and their life through this drinking water project.

That the Chumpaguda village water project will be completed and they will get water to the village.
ü  That more of the Konda people in other villages can be helped for a better living.
ü  That the literacy work will grow and all the Konda dora will become literate in their own heart language.

Contact us for more details or on how you can get involved in the transformation of the Konda Dora people.


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