Falling off the bicycle and getting scratches, wound, and
gaining scars that last lifelong is common. When you learn yourself you learn to
fix certain things yourself. If the crank chain is slightly loose, it tent to
slip off at times and you soon will learn how to put it back on those crank
My father had all the basic tools at home and he used to fix punctures himself, repair, and replace anything, hardly going to a repair shop. Even if you wanted to, you have to push the cycle a kilometer to the 'driving school' I mentioned and get it fixed. But for want of fixing a puncture, you will possibly spoil a tyre. However, I did not try to fix punctures as I tend to damage the brim of the tyre. But I have ventured myself dismantling a bicycle fully, part by part to repaint it and fix it back. Repainting your bicycle perfectly is not an easy job, you need to have much interest, patience, and commitment out of necessity or because of your situation.
If you want to maintain your bicycle, you also need to have certain tools at home. A medium screwdriver will do for most of the screws, but you cannot manage everything with a monkey spanner. You need several spanners and in certain places, only a thin net spanner can do the work. So you start with basic tools and go on adding more specific ones.
When we manage our homes, we would require more tools. We never needed a star-edged screwdriver at home those days, but you need more than one such one nowadays. So you add on new tools or replace one with another as we continue to maintain our life.For certain things, the user's manual will help you while for others you take to a qualified professional who can alone fix it. The Lord who created us fearfully and wonderfully has given us the user’s manual. To take care of our lives, to manage and sustain ourselves, and for a growing performance the master desires, we need to learn to use the manual the Word of God.
If we don’t learn to meditate on the Word of God ourselves and apply it, don’t expect our children to do so. Children begin to learn better at home. They watch what we do and learn to follow us. They will learn to do even better. If we learn to manage ourselves we may not have to end up with professionals who can only attempt to fix our problems. For want of a shoe, a whole battle can be lost.
Blessed is the one who meditates the word of God….
… but whose
delight is in the law of the Lord, and who meditates on his law day and night.
That person is
like a tree planted by streams of water, which yields its fruit in season and
whose leaf does not wither. Whatever they do prospers. The Lord watches over
them, their way, and guides them.
(Psalm 1)
I have learned to meditate and study the Word of God and make it a practice. I continue to learn to walk in faith and grow in my relationship with God. If you don’t do it yourself, I encourage you to start today. If you do not know your creator personally, you should seek Him. If you are born again, you need to grow every way and every day. When you are a child of God, you need to grow in your knowledge and your relationship with your heavenly Father. Unfortunately many do not know how to do it or do not enjoy doing it. The Word of God is the food and drink for your spiritual life without which you can never grow. Would it be fine if someone gives you a plate of food weekly once, or even daily morning, mixed and chewed, just to sit and sallow?
If you have the habit of reading somebody’s devotional thoughts day after day, It is just better than dying of starvation. But I encourage you to study and meditate on the Word yourself. It will be rewarding, enriching, and joyful; and you will never regret learning that habit. You certainly need a mentor or a coach if you have not used to it so far.
How can you
start? If you do not know how to
meditate and study the Word of God yourself, ask someone nearby whom you are
sure, can help you.
And the tools
you need?
personal Bible in your language,
notebook, a pen, a willing heart, and some time to spare
In case you still need help, I am available to help you by sitting with you physically or virtually and it is free. Please feel free to Contact me at createtools(at)gmail(dot) com
or call me on # 8-zero-5-six-2-nine-0-one-4-zero
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