Monday, July 29, 2019

A Life can be Lost for want of a Love

For want of a nail, the shoe was lost

For want of a shoe, the horse was lost

For want of a horse, the rider was lost

For want of a rider, a message was lost

For want of a message, a battle was lost

For want of a battle, a kingdom was lost

And all for want of a horse nail. 

Anything that is born will have a natural death but its life is much more important. Unless a kernel of wheat falls to the ground, it will be only a single grain. But if it falls, it will die and will multiply to several folds. The falling is for the seed but not for us. You don’t have to fall for someone to grow spiritually. You can be humble but don’t have to embrace humiliation yourself without self-control. They say, “Pride goes before a fall”.

You can be a leader, but if you have undue love for one of your staff more than others, you may be on the way to your own destruction. You may be a professional counselor and spent all your life counseling people to build families, but your love for women outside your family can defame you easily and destruct several more families.  Teachers and preachers are human beings, but the moment you are able to appreciate other women’s dress and express that you like their behavior very much; you are probably trekking the path of your fall.  

If you have fallen, confess your sins, get reconciled with people, and work out your restoration. When you are proud, you will only cover yourselves up until you are fallen or caught up red-handed. Defaming others whom you think, have exposed your folly; will never cover up your sins! You can be a motivational speaker or an author, and can earn a Ph.D; but if you are perverted, what is the use of all your messages and your books? Your PHD is worse than Permanent Head Damage and your MTH is equal to ‘eMTy Head’! Changing your name, adding a new name to the one you have, and defaming someone else will not build up your broken life either.  

Be open to taking some bold steps to rectify things before it is too late. 
Love your wife and keep your commitments to her:
You must have got married to a person whom you loved. But if you lost your first love, that is the beginning of your fall. If you are a “he-man with she-weakness”, work on it and discuss it with your wife instead of other women. She can deliver you or probably help you better than anybody else. You should develop the art of loving your wife at least for the sake of the oath you did in the name of God and before the public. Keep your commitment to her. It is worth living a life for a promise you made to a woman before God and people. Keep your communication live and intimate with your wife, even when you are traveling or away from home. Let your wife be your best friend. Cherish her, appreciate her and take care of her. May your fountain be blessed, and may you rejoice in the wife of your youth (Proverbs 5:18).

Watch your Words and Actions:
You cannot prevent temptations and feelings that come on your way, but you can prevent your indirect words and suggestive actions. If you are able to appreciate the delicious cooking of other women too much and appreciate the dress they wear, know for sure that you may be morally weak.  You are probably potential of committing adultery with words.  Be mindful of what you speak and communicate. Avoid coarse joking and double-meaning words. If you still have to talk to some woman personally,  do it in the presence of your wife or her husband! So also for a woman to talk to a man. These are not rules but this standard can help you. 

Keep your Distance from Other genders:
It can save you a hard-earned job, the toils of a ministry, and the sacrifices you made in forming a congregation and the organization you probably built up over many years. Let your wife know about your woman friends if at all you have someone for a reason. If the women of the church have to do some cooking, better you don’t go to supervise them or assist them by peeling onions and mincing ginger. “I like ginger curry so much” comment by a leader in such a situation led to his own fall and the fall of a wonderful ministry built up by several saints. You can be an eloquent speaker on radio or TV but your secret weakness with regard to women can spoil your life and destroy several lives and families. Changing your name doesn’t really build up your broken life. God can forgive you but people hardly, so watch out.  The chances to repent can be thinner since you want to cover up your crime and build your image! No one is trying to defame you, but you trying to defame the one who really tried to help you, would be like your attempts to close the hole with darkness. Don’t try to put off the candle someone lit, rather use it to do the repairs.  

When people have become famous several of them have fallen prey to perversions. Satan can tempt you more since that is his job. But taking the armor of God and resisting him is your job and mine.  Resist the devil, he will flee from you. If you are married, let your spouse share your vision. Never marry an organization, a job, or someone because of a job.  
Pursue your vision along with your life partner. Don’t lose your battle and your privilege to enter into the Kingdom of God, that is in store!  

Remove the rust that needs to be removed; Repair what is broken and fix what is lost however small it is. 

Drink water from your own cistern, and running water from your own well. Should your springs overflow in the streets, your streams of water in the public squares? (Proverbs 5:15-16, NIV). For more blessings, read the entire chapter.

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