Saturday, November 6, 2021

The Carpenters

 Carpenters are everywhere all around the world. They are skilled workers in any culture or time, traditional or the most modern. Carpenters traditionally worked with natural wood and did the rougher work of framing or making furniture, houses, or various assemblies for housing.

In every culture or language group, there are carpenters and they were traditionally considered as the lower strata of the society or caste system, whether they made ships, stools, or soup spoons. Today all who do carpentry are not carpenters.

Carpenters are an important people group as well as their profession. Consider them and their life struggles. Some carpenters also have moved into other jobs as carpentry is no more a caste’s job and the demand is lesser in the modern way of life.

Here in this post, a carpenter family from Madhya Pradesh, the central part of India is being introduced. His tools, techniques, and product are different; the visuals I captured may interest you.

The Carpenter’s work can make your life different!

Wood Gatherers of Kandukur


Who: Wood Gatherers in Kandukur

Where: Prakasam district of Andhra Pradesh.

Vamsi and his family are happier that they got a new backload tricycle to peddle for a newer life and to make a living. They belong to one of the poorest of the marginal tribal people, the Yenadi.

Yenadis were food gatherers and nomadic, now live in small pieces of lands as colonies assigned to them. Some live in houses built with government grants, while many in small huts with palm leaves. They make a living by firewood collection or by menial jobs available rarely in the backyard of the towns. The area they live is draught affected due to failing monsoon in a row of 5 years. Hence agricultural activity is almost nil and labour opportunities scanty.

Your standing in the gap can make their life different!

Why: Poor, vulnerable, illiterate, living away from the mainstream, on the edge. Children are malnourished. Drinking water is scarce. Livelihood for them is difficult.

What: That they will have rains, labor, livelihood, and access to education and the Goodnews. That their children will be educated, and they will come up in life and have it abundantly!

When: In your family and at your gatherings.

Salt Farmers of Prakasam

 Salt Farmers

Who: The Salt Farmers in Bingnapalli, Pakkala.

Where: Prakasam district of Andhra Pradesh.

These are the people who make our lives tastier; but not so their own. The salt makers of Praksam, Andhra Pradesh have a different story to tell.

The Binganappally, Ullapalem, and Pakkala coastal lines have many salt farming families. Saltwater is pumped from bore-wells dug among the fields, powered by electric motors or diesel engines. After all the toil in the scorching heat of the summer, the revenue they fetch is too little; most of the time Rs.35 to 40 for a bag of 70 kilograms!!

You standing in the gap can make their life different!

Why: Much hard labour and high cost of production; every year the field has to be prepared by stamping by legs. Seasonal work in summer only. Summer rain will spoil the process and the salt; not recognized as a crop and so no privileges like other farmers. De-hydration and health hazards to workers. A vicious cycle of poverty.

What: That they will have subsidies and a stable minimum price for salt. They will be influenced by the good news and their life will become sweeter.

When: Whenever you pinch salt, remember the Salt Makers and make it a word of intercession.

Where are the Irula Pepole ?!

 The Irula and Many more Native Tribes

Philipose Vaidyar 

I wrote first time about the Irula (Irular) in 2003 in Malayalam as a feature story in India Focus, the magazine I was editing. Later along with many other such stories I had published it on my website  in 2006 and in  A Peep into the Tribalscape in 2008. Later I had an invitation to do a short film on the tribe living in Chennai. (See the link to the videos in YouTube at the footer) 


People named 'Irula' are found in Tamil Nadu, Kerala, and Karnataka. Each of the groups seemed to be different in its structure and appearance. More of them are in Tamil Nadu (about 190,000) next, in Kerala (about 24,000) and the rest in Karnataka (about 11,000). I have personally visited several Iruala settlements in Tamil Nadu and Kerala. 


Irular in Kerala

Irulars are seen in Attapady area of Mannarkadu Thaluk in Palakkad District and also seen in Nelliyampathy, Pothuppara, Mayamudi, Palakkapandi, Koonapalam of Chittur Thaluk and Valayar hills. They are engaged in agriculture and cultivate paddy, ragi, dhal, plantains, turmeric, etc. Forest produce collection is also a source of income. They are also seen in Tamil Nadu and Karnataka states. The Irular community in Kerala is different in features and occupation from the Irula people seen near Chennai, Tamil Nadu.


There is a genesis story of the Irula spoken among the Irular in Attappady around a man named Pattan. I had documented this story on my website in 2006 and in my first book, A Peep into the Tribalscape in 2008. Based on this story Chitra Soundar had published a children's picture book: Pattan’s Pumpkin in 2016 in the UK by Otter-Barry Books. (Some in India including a writer in Kerala has copied verbatim of my documentation of the story without any acknowledgment and it is published on a government website!) 

Read about the story  of Pattan and Irualar from my new book:  Trekking the Tribal Trail 

Visit:  or  

The legend continues that God instructed Pattan to live thereby cultivating the land. The Irular tribe believes that they descended from Pattan. If iniquity increases with the rise in the population, a goat or hen has to be sacrificed. One sacrifice is sufficient to ward off sin for a year. The Lord has kept heaven and hell for people according to the “wrongdoings and the sacrifice” offered. The word Irular comes from the word Irul which means darkness. Irular means those who are in darkness.

I reached a village 10 km away from Gulikadavu, which is situated close to the Anakatty-Mannarkad road. It was just a day after the village celebration and a sacrifice. The youth were blaring on trumpets, celebrating the penultimate day of the festival…….


Read the full story on Irular’s occupation, Lifestyle, Child Birth, Marriage, Death, and much more in Trekking the Tribal Trail. 


Irula in Tamil Nadu

In Tamil Nadu, Irula settlements are found in Ariyalur, Cuddalore, Krishnagiri, Dharmapuri, Tiruvallur, districts and a handful of them in Coimbatore and Nilgiris districts. Close to Chennai, several settlements are seen in and around Padappai, and Mamallapuram.  

Watch my video on the Iruala in Padappai, in the suburb of Chennai (sponsored by Agape Lifeline) on  YouTube 

Saturday, April 3, 2021

Believe, Become or Behave?

What does it mean to Believe in Jesus?


You are not a believer if Jesus would not entrust Himself to you!!

Jesus Christ was born in fulfillment of the prophecy 750 years before he was born; and his suffering, death, and resurrection too were part of the prophecy. It was by the eternal plan of the Almighty God the Father at the beginning of time. He came and lived that we might Believe in Him, Become like Him and Behave like Him. 

It is Finished

When Jesus said at last, on the cross, “IT IS FINISHED” it meant, 

The Debt is fully paid

The Sentence is fully served and 

The Battle has been fully won.

 So let us linger no longer.

Don’t live in the debt of your sin anymore

Don’t carry the guilt and punishment to the grave

Don’t live a defeated life any longer.


It all begins when you are able to realize that Jesus is the son of God, meaning, He is God who became man to atone for our sins...

“When the centurion and those with him who were guarding Jesus saw the earthquake and all that had happened, they were terrified, and exclaimed, “Surely he was the Son of God!” Matthew 27:54

But those who wanted to kill Jesus were neither the Romans nor the Roman soldiers, but the High Priest and Teachers (Theologians) of the day as in Jesus they found a threat to their power and positions.

They called Jesus a deceiver!

See what they said:

“The next day, the one after Preparation Day, the chief priests and the Pharisees went to Pilate.  “Sir,” they said, “we remember that while he was still alive that deceiver said, ‘After three days I will rise again.’  So give the order for the tomb to be made secure until the third day. Otherwise, his disciples may come and steal the body and tell the people that he has been raised from the dead. This last deception will be worse than the first.” (Matthew 27:62-64)

But Jesus was raised from the tomb. He is resurrected and lives that you and I too can live eternally.

If you BELIEVE Jesus Christ is God and He can save you from sin,

BECOME like Him and BEHAVE like Him.

How can you Believe and Become like him? That’s there in the Bible.

How can you Behave like him? The answer is the gospel. If you do not have a Bible, at least borrow one and start reading the gospel (according to Matthew Mark, Luke, or John). If you have not read the Bible at I suggest you get hold of one and read Matthew chapters 5-7.  Seek, you will find, knock it will be opened to you. 

See this

“Now while he was in Jerusalem at the Passover Festival, many people saw the signs he was performing and believed in his name.  But Jesus would not entrust himself to them, for he knew all people.  He did not need any testimony about mankind, for he knew what was in each person”.   (John 2:23-24)

I Never Knew You

“Not everyone who says to me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ will enter the kingdom of heaven, but the one who does the will of my Father who is in heaven.  On that day many will say to me, ‘Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in your name and cast out demons in your name, and do many mighty works in your name?’  And then will I declare to them, ‘I never knew you; depart from me, you workers of lawlessness.” (Matthew 7:21-23)

If you have heard and believed a different gospel other than this, that is a fake gospel and the one who presented is a deceiver!

If a believer of Christ (Christians) deceive, manipulate, misappropriate, misrepresent, misbehave, and mistreat others, mark this: they are crucifying Christ again!

What do you call Jesus? Saviour or deceiver?  

There must be many who call themselves believers!

If you don’t want to Become and Behave, it is better not to believe!

For more clarity and for additional wisdom, please read the full chapter of the references used.

If you have a genuine question and struggle in following Christ. I am available to walk with you. 

Please feel free to drop a short mail to me at createtools(at)gmail(dot)com 


Monday, March 22, 2021

Is Migration your Mission?

When there were no many modern methods of transport and communications, missionaries went all over the world to help see people, communities, and societies transformed. They learned new and difficult languages, traveled on bullock carts, and lived with all the plights of the poor. Many of them did not even go back on vacation and died where they went to serve people. That’s the story we hear and read about missions. Let me tell you a story which is only thirty-five years old.

Tim (name changed) comes from Minnesota, Minneapolis, USA. He and Steve shared driving a truck from the UK to India. He came to India along with a team to minister to people. I happened to see this truck team in my small town on November evening in 1985. I became very friendly with the team the same day. The leader asked me if I had electricity at home and if I could take Tim home if it was OK for me. Tim had the habit of studying and writing at night and the hall they stayed in did not have electric power. I did not even seek the permission of my parents. Tim and I walked home that night and for a week or so he stayed in my home at night after their visits and witnessing. After a week the team had moved on to other places and after six months Tim had left India for other places to work among the "nighbours". He has been working as an English Teacher in different countries of Asia. I had been in touch with Tim once a while through letters and in later years by email.

Thirty-six years later, Tim is still working as a missionary in a remote country of Western Asia. Tim had got married and his wife followed him. Their three children did homeschooling in their locations in Western Asia and are working as tent makers there. I have not asked Tim any favour and have not received any gift either. That is the mission I understand. But our friends over these years want to go to Tim’s country as missionaries!!! 

Why do many theological graduates pursue migration as their mission? Is it because of their love for the luxuries of this world or the world to come? Why do certain mission leaders want their children to study only in Tim’s country and get them settled there? Is your migration to help yourselves or serve someone? 


Saturday, January 23, 2021



Lessons from 1 Thessalonians 1:1-10

Philipose Vaidyar

Once I was asked to write an article on the theme of ‘a model church’ for a church’s yearly publication. I refrained, as felt I would not the best person to do so for that publication. Now I am asked to share the Word and the theme given to me is “A Model Church” and the scripture portion, 1 Thessalonians 1:1-10. 

I would humbly attempt to reflect upon these 10 verses and draw implications for our churches today and for each one of us who are part of a congregation.

When we say a ‘Church’ we think about a congregation, not the building; the members and their pastor or elders. Church, of course, will include the members, the office bearers, the committee, and everyone who play a role in the congregation. 

I see at least seven marks of a model church in 1 Thessalonians chapter 1:


1. A church has a Physical address (1:1)

1Paul, Silas a and Timothy, To the church of the Thessalonians in God the Father and the Lord Jesus Christ: Grace and peace to you.

The church had geography and it was located in the local province of Thessalonica. Whether it’s a city or a village, whether it’s urban or rural, a church is a physical congregation of believers, wherever they met together- at a house, a hall, or a church building. Anybody could go over and meet with them. A church building that is closed almost all the time except for a schedule cannot be a model church building. A growing church that has a growing fellowship of maturing Christians will be open for people, passersby, and ministers who travel. They can come in, have fellowship, get help, and use the facilities freely without a charge. That does not need to coincide with the worship time or prayer time. If the congregation has a separate church building, it should be available for the needy to walk in any time.  

In spite of the present challenges, we still can be Church more than being virtual. 

2. A church has a spiritual Address (1:1)

To the church of the Thessalonians in God the Father and the Lord Jesus Christ:

These new believers no longer just lived in Thessalonica, they were “in God the Father and the Lord Jesus Christ.” They had believed the gospel and now the life of God was active in them in the midst of their physical life in Thessalonica.

This spiritual mark of members of a church makes them spiritual members of the spiritual body of Christ. It may be easier to become a member of a local congregation and still not in God the Father and the Lord Jesus Christ. A belief about Jesus and God does not make one a real disciple of Christ. A spiritual living Christian lives in Christ and Christ in him or her. God’s Word remains and will be active in the life of a disciple of Christ. Such believers grow spiritually and produce spiritual fruits. Members of a model church will have a spiritual identity. They live in Christ and God and God in them. Cf. John 15:1-16.


 3. A church has spiritual leaders who are grateful encouragers (1:2-3)

 2We always thank God for all of you and continually mention you in our prayers. . .

 3We remember before our God and Father your work produced by faith, your labor prompted by love, and your endurance inspired by hope in our Lord Jesus Christ.

A model church has sincere and faithful leaders like Paul, Silus, and Timothy who pray for the church and give thanks to God. More than praying for the believers, the epistles of Paul to the churches including Thessalonica were, to encourage the church and to build them up in the faith. A minister who moves to another location may continue to pray and communicate with the church.                                       

The leaders of a church are not employees or hired workers who take care of themselves. They follow the Lord Jesus. He said…

11“I am the good shepherd. The good shepherd lays down his life for the sheep. 12The hired hand is not the shepherd and does not own the sheep. So when he sees the wolf coming, he abandons the sheep and runs away. Then the wolf attacks the flock and scatters it. 13The man runs away because he is a hired hand and cares nothing for the sheep. John 10:11-13

 The leaders of the church take care of the members of their church as servants, not as masters. The Lord Jesus called Apostle Peter the second time and entrusted him to love and take care of the sheep. Apostle Peter towards the end of his life writes…    

1To the elders among you, I appeal as a fellow elder and a witness of Christ’s sufferings who also will share in the glory to be revealed: 2Be shepherds of God’s flock that is under your care, watching over them—not because you must, but because you are willing, as God wants you to be; not pursuing dishonest gain, but eager to serve; 3not lording it over those entrusted to you, but being examples to the flock. 4And when the Chief Shepherd appears, you will receive the crown of glory that will never fade away. 1 Peter 5:1-4

Members of such churches imitate and follow the model of the leaders. 


Kennedy had a marriage proposal. The girl’s family collected his pastor’s phone number and enquired about Kennedy. Kennady’s pastor has an autonomous church but did not know Kennedy personally to comment. He even could not recollect Kennedy.  

Emily’s church had hardly 20 families and a handful of Sunday school children and youth. After a three year term, the pastor had been transferred. The pastor had a call from a boy’s parents to find out if Emily is a born-again believer. 

The pastor knew Emily, could comment that she was active in Sunday school and youth union. “Anything she was asked to do at church, she did’ he said. The pastor said, “But to know if she is born again, you will have to inquire in detail with someone”.

After three years of ministering to 20 families, if the pastor could not give a reference or a spiritual testimonial or even provide the contact of a spiritual mentor of Emily in the Church, what more could a pastor do beyond the duty of managing a congregation?!

 Are we excited about what God wants to do? Are we building a culture of encouragement despite the challenges?  

 4. A church has Love and faith in action! (1:3)

 3We remember before our God and Father your work produced by faith, your labor prompted by love, and your endurance inspired by hope in our Lord Jesus Christ.

Believers transformed by the love of God will impact others, leading to changed lives. The members of the church had faith, love, and hope in Jesus Christ. That helped them work, labor, and endure hardships for the good of others. “Faith without works is dead”, says the Word. Their work was produced by faith, not fear. Their labor was prompted by love not selfish motives. Their hope in Christ inspired them to endure in their good works and ministry. The Thessalonians were not only doing the right things – they were doing them with the right motives! 

Is our ministry and service, the result of our genuine love and faith in Christ?

How much are we willing to serve and go an extra mile for others?  

5. A Church receptive to the gospel and deeply committed to the word of God. (1:4-6)


4For we know, brothers and sisters b loved by God, that he has chosen you, 5because our gospel came to you not simply with words but also with power, with the Holy Spirit and deep conviction. You know how we lived among you for your sake. 6You became imitators of us and the Lord, for you, welcomed the message amid severe suffering with the joy given by the Holy Spirit. 

It was evident to the leaders that the members of the Thessalonian church were loved by God and chosen by God. The reason: They were receptive to the gospel. The presentation of the gospel and the teaching of the Word were not by persuasive words. The leaders spoke in the power of the Holy Spirit and with deep conviction. The leaders’ lives were a good model to the believers to follow. The leaders reflected the character of Jesus. So the church members imitated the life of the preachers and the Lord Jesus. They responded to the message and teachings despite troubles. They had joy in the Holy Spirit amidst suffering and hardships. 

In a model church the message, the messengers, and the members have power and joy of the Holy Spirit and the lives are modeled after Jesus Christ. A model church is not driven by human words but by the Word of God.

 6. A church influences and impacts the outside (1:7-10)

7And so you became a model to all the believers in Macedonia and Achaia. 8The Lord’s message rang out from you not only in Macedonia and Achaia—your faith in God has become known everywhere. Therefore we do not need to say anything about it, 9for they themselves report what kind of reception you gave us. They tell how you turned to God from idols to serve the living and true God,  10and to wait for his Son from heaven, whom he raised from the dead—Jesus, who rescues us from the coming wrath.

 In faith, practice, and witness, the church at Thessalonica… 

  • Became a model to all other believers in the provinces of Macedonia and Achaia and the known world. 
  • They welcomed God’s people, 
  • They shared the gospel everywhere. They were a witnessing community. 
  • Their testimony was known everywhere.
  • turned away from idol worship
  • served the living true God
  • waited in hope for the second coming of Christ

People can be impacted if they see God’s power at work in us and through us. The Thessalonian believers had become a model of faith across the known world. 

 A church is not just to meet, break bread and enjoy fellowship inside but also to witness and reach out to the outside to welcome people inside by sharing the gospel. 

A church that receives the power of the Holy Spirit only can witness to the outside and multiply. To be fruitful and multiply is the mandate for the body of believers. (Acts 8)

A model church will not be just inward but faithfully outward.


7. A church has Transformed Lives (1:9)

The Thessalonian church was not just a ritual community that just followed some sacraments. They were changed radically. They….

A model church sees conversions that are idol-shattering! Christianity is neither a routine nor a hobby for them. They will recognize their modern-day idols and forsake them. They will learn the Word of God to obey and serve Him. Let us continue to look to Christ and to wait for Him (1:10). Waiting on the Lord is not wasting time. To wait on is to serve the master. God may send “Pauls” or “Silas” or “Timothys” to minister to us and point us to Christ. But we need to remember our model is Jesus Christ, our savior, the builder and finisher of our faith. 

In conclusion…


  1. A physical address that is open for people to walk in for fellowship and get benefited. 
  2. A spiritual address/ identity in Jesus Christ and God the father. 
  3. Spiritual leaders who are grateful encouragers and build up the members. 
  4. Love and faith in action; serve one another and endure hardship in doing right to others with right intentions.  
  5. Is receptive to the gospel and deeply committed to the Word of God. The leaders minister in power and in Holy Spirit. The members imitate the leaders and Jesus Christ. 
  6. A growing ministry to the outsiders; it influences and impacts people. They are a witnessing community. 
  7. Transformed lives where members are spiritually growing people who forsake the evil and corrupt practices; the member are servants of God and wait on the coming of the Lord. 
Let us be model Christians and model families to constitute a model church that will impact and influence the world outside of us. May the Lord God help us and strengthen us.
Header photo: Philipose Vaidyar 
Personal Profile: (copy and paste if needed)