Tuesday, September 5, 2023

Unveiling Journeys of Faith

From Diverse Backgrounds to Personal Salvation

Philipose Vaidyar

Communicating the Gospel is a vital mission, but we must consider how and why someone should embrace it. Should we exert effort to convince the hearer, or leave the rest to the Creator of the universe, who is interested in each one knowing Him? It's essential to remember that we are mere communicators; the true guide to faith is God Himself, and His Spirit acts as the Counselor. He operates effectively, irrespective of the magnitude of our efforts or even without them.

In the ever-evolving fabric of faith, there exists a universal yearning—a deep, innate desire within the human spirit to seek and connect with the Creator of the universe. This desire transcends cultural boundaries, weaving together a symphony of individual journeys, each uniquely guided by the hand of the Divine. In this article, we embark on a captivating exploration of personal encounters with faith, from various corners of the world to the profound moments when seekers encountered Jesus himself, demonstrating the deep power of divine intervention in the lives of believers.

The Mysteries of a Tribal Pastor's Extraordinary Faith Journey

Devaraj, a senior pastor hailing from the Badaga indigenous community, has graced various churches, including English congregations nestled in the picturesque Nilgiris. Having had the privilege of meeting him and entering his abode, I was compelled to inquire about his spiritual journey - how he, from a tribal background, encountered the Lord and embraced the Christian faith. What ensued was a captivating narrative that highlighted divine election and the guiding presence of the Holy Spirit in leading individuals to a profound understanding and unwavering faith in the Almighty God.

Rev. Devaraj's journey commenced during his boyhood when he spotted a clergyman donning clerical attire visiting a neighbor's home. A latent curiosity stirred within him, propelling him to engage with the priest. He waited by the street, eventually seizing the opportunity to approach the pastor upon his exit. Expressing his desire to know more about God, the pastor warmly invited him to further discussions. However, a mix-up followed as Devaraj inadvertently found himself at a Catholic church mission house. Undeterred, he persisted and eventually located the intended pastor, a CSI clergyman. Their meeting was providential, marked by the pastor's heartfelt welcome and a deep conversation about faith.

Devaraj's interest grew, leading him to attend the church's Sunday service. There, two seasoned men took notice of the young seeker and undertook the noble task of nurturing him in the ways of the Word. Remarkably, Devaraj's journey wasn't shaped by external influence or incentives; he thirsted for knowledge, delving into literature, history, and everything around him. Devaraj's pursuit led him to the Creator in his unique way. As the Bible reminds us, "Seek, and you will find; knock, and the door will be opened to you."

Unni's Secret Journey to Salvation: A Tale of Faith, Family, and Hidden Struggles

The stories of faith stretch across a spectrum of backgrounds. Unni came to know his savior during his college studies in Kottayam. He was compelled to flee his home as his father pursued him with a chopper upon hearing of Unni's newfound faith in Jesus. A few decades later, however, Unni's family began to comprehend his transformation, with many eventually experiencing the salvation he had found.

From Vivekananda to the Bible - A Journey Cloaked in Mystery

Babu Narayan, once an employee at a tire company in Madurai, was a religious performer at the company. He happened to read a book by Swami Vivekananda, where he mentions the claims of Jesus that He is God. This exploration eventually led him to the reading of the Bible and a profound transformation. It ultimately led to the excommunication of Babu from his household. But Babu was determined to follow the newfound faith and also committed to witnessing. He started to serve among beggars and later moved into pastoring. Despite initial family opposition, his mother later followed her son and began to stay with him. She had a peaceful old age with him and passed away peacefully with the hope of eternal life.

Ravikumar's Unforeseen Encounter: The Mystery of Divine Intervention in the Quest to Disprove Faith

Ravikumar, initially began reading the Bible with the intent of challenging his friend's belief that Jesus is the Holy Son of God and the sole savior. However, as he delved into the Gospel of John, Ravi found himself reaching a momentous juncture where he personally encountered Jesus and accepted Him through what appeared to be a divine intervention. Ravikumar faced many challenges in life and pursued his journey in faith. 

The Hidden Power of Personal Testimony: A Revelation That Sparked an Unpredictable Flame of Faith

As for me, my personal revelation dawned as I listened to a testimony being shared. No one had shared the gospel with me personally or explained the need for a personal commitment before that, even though I had attended Sunday school classes. This experience highlighted the integral role personal testimony plays in kindling the flame of faith. Sharing the gospel is a commandment and mission we are entrusted with, but the ministry of the Holy Spirit is what truly guides individuals toward salvation.

In the grand embroidery of faith, the diversity of backgrounds and the individual journeys converge into a symphony orchestrated by the Creator Himself. The pursuit of the divine is universal, and the Holy Spirit, our divine guide, continues to call hearts until time's end. The invitation to seek, the promise that knocking will open doors - these are timeless assurances.

In closing, a few passages from the Bible aptly capture the essence of these stories:

 "Draw near to God, and He will draw near to you." (James 4:8)

“Ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock, and the door will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives; the one who seeks finds; and to the one who knocks, the door will be opened." (Matthew 7:7-8).

"Unless the Father who sent me extends His divine invitation, no one can approach me, and I will grant them resurrection on the final day." (John 6:44)

This verse in the Gospel of John highlights the principle that people are brought into the realm of faith through a divine beckoning and attraction initiated by God the Father.

To journey in faith, to draw near to the Creator of the universe, is a profound blessing that transcends all backgrounds and empowers us to walk in faith. 

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