Saturday, November 6, 2021

The Carpenters

 Carpenters are everywhere all around the world. They are skilled workers in any culture or time, traditional or the most modern. Carpenters traditionally worked with natural wood and did the rougher work of framing or making furniture, houses, or various assemblies for housing.

In every culture or language group, there are carpenters and they were traditionally considered as the lower strata of the society or caste system, whether they made ships, stools, or soup spoons. Today all who do carpentry are not carpenters.

Carpenters are an important people group as well as their profession. Consider them and their life struggles. Some carpenters also have moved into other jobs as carpentry is no more a caste’s job and the demand is lesser in the modern way of life.

Here in this post, a carpenter family from Madhya Pradesh, the central part of India is being introduced. His tools, techniques, and product are different; the visuals I captured may interest you.

The Carpenter’s work can make your life different!

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