Monday, July 22, 2013

Why doesn't Laxmibai Get Rid of it…?

A person cured of leprosy needs to be careful for the rest of his life with self care. Many even today do not know that leprosy is treatable and curable. 

Before we go to meet Laxmibai*, healed of leprosy, I should say a few things about leprosy that I have learned. It is wrong and a big mistake to call a person by his disease, at least today. (Of course, we have the word leper used in the Bible in older versions. I am yet to check if it is corrected in the latest versions). It’s only some years ago I had learned that leprosy is the least communicable disease. I am sure you will be interested to read and learn more about it from sources that are just a click away from you, while you cannot learn about Laxmibai unless I tell it myself to you.

I had met Laxmibai in her village in Andhra Pradesh during one of my footprint documentation trips on a leprosy rehab project. She had been severely affected by the disease several years ago and developed deformities in her foot and hands.  She went through all the treatments and procedures.
Now Laxmibai joins along with a few others for self-care exercises everyday at the veranda of a public office in the village. She wears a pair of Microcellular rubber (MCR) sandals specially made for her size to save her foot. The MCR sandal should protect her foot that have lost its sensations. The footwear was really worn out.  She complained of the new pair given to her as not so comfortable as the old one she was wearing.  We asked her to show us the new pair she had collected some time ago. In no time she hurried and returned with the new sandals. We asked her to remove her old sandals that were put on.  It was repaired by a local cobbler and had a lot of nails on it!!!

As I leave the rest of the story for you to guess, let me ask you why Laxmibai did not want to forsake her old sandals. There is a Laxmibai in each of us most of the time. We do not like to get rid of certain things that we are so used to for a long time. It can be artifacts, our own habits and practices.  Whether we lead people or deal with people, follow or make a following, this should be seriously considered. If I am a preacher and others can not follow my model; if I am a counselor and am vulnerable to become myself an abuser; if I am a translator of the Word and my life is not at all transformed, and I do not believe the Word for myself, I think I need to get rid of those things that are so stuck to me.  

In some of our worlds (sphere of activity, work or community) a person abused does not come out openly to accuse or expose the abuser; a follower will not like to point his finger at a leader (like a lamb at the shepherd). Which is easier, belling a cat or blowing a whistle? I believe both are not easier or less risky. So many of our elephants can walk like a cat and most of our culprits can go a cake walk!!!

Shall we put off those worn-out falsehood and habits and put on what we need to, so that we will be genuine and good in our words and deeds. May be the sharpness of our guilty conscience had been smoothened and every time we continue on our strong points (some say ‘weak points’) it soothes  ing effect. Or we must have lost our sensations so that we do not recognize sins any more. May be we have gone too far from the grace and become so wicked that repentance is near to impossible.  Probably we are moving from a cliff to a deepest pit.  But now, can we pause a minute and identify those items in our lives to put off and help ourselves? 

Let us linger no longer.

- Philipose Vaidyar

*name changed

Sunday, January 20, 2013

Isn't the person in us more important??!!

Isn’t the person inside more important than the dress?

The home inside the house, and the family more than the jobs?

Isn’t the soul so significant and the Spirit more central than our service?

Though we convince the whole world but don’t believe the Word we‘re reading

Be it teaching or preaching or even translating?

Whether our word is for all or we hang on to the cliff

If our yes is not Yes and our no, not No, do we know we deceive ourselves?!! 

Remember: LEADERS and DEALERS are made of the same thing but they are different!!!

CHEATERS and TEACHERS are created of the same stuff but they are not the same!!!

Recount: if you need a reshuffle, do it right away, daring to be different

Tail peace: Are we preaching the Word or using the Word to preach our message?

Philipose Vaidyar